Faint Hopes and Trump’s Phony Peace

by Christopher Black, 28 February 2025

Hopes and reality: On February 27 President Putin, in an address to FSB security officials, stated that the initial communication with the US administration “inspires certain hopes.” The world can understand what these hopes are, faint as they presently appear, the hope that the new American administration under Donald Trump has recognised its defeat in its war against Russia and, therefore, is ready to engage in negotiations to extricate itself from the disaster it has created in Ukraine.

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Betting the Farm on the Imaginary War

by William Schryver

It has now been ten years since I first turned my attention to the necessity of prudent financial investments in order to both preserve and hopefully enlarge the modest amount of wealth I had accumulated up to that time. I began by attempting to identify the wisest and most discerning “experts” in the field. This was no easy trick.

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Are Western Democracies a Model for the World?

Part 1

Shining democracies face gloomy autocracies. This is the narrative of the Western mainstream, in the familiar vein of old Eurocentric arrogance. The author of this article has investigated the matter and found that in many countries of the global South, unique forms of democracy and participatory processes have emerged that differ from the sclerotic bourgeois systems of Western countries.

by Ricardo Martins, october 19, 2024

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The Chiefs of MI6 And CIA Publish A Statement of Lies

On September 7, the British and American chiefs of their secret intelligence services, Richard Moore and William Burns, released an op-ed piece in the Financial Times, and on that day took part in a live talk hosted by the same journal. They had one common objective, to lie to their peoples and the world about the real causes of the violence and insecurity in the world, to provide them with the pretext for their attempt to rule the world. In other words, they openly displayed the conspiracy of their governments to commit aggression against anyone in the world who resists them, the supreme war crime.

by Christopher Black, September 12, 2024

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The ICC – A Cog In The NATO War Machine

The ICC – A Cog In The NATO War Machine

On June 25th, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, so-called, issued arrest warrants for two more Russians, the former defence minister, Sergey Shoigu, and the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Federation Armed Forces, Valery Gerasimov, on three charges, which claim the deliberate targeting of civilians in the conflict in Ukraine by the Russian Armed Forces, in strikes against Ukrainian infrastructure, to wit, electric power generating plants.

by Christopher Black, July 2024

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The role of the WHO under imperialist rule

According to its mission, the World Health Organisation (WHO) should be committed to the human right to health. With the withdrawal of states from funding the organisation, it has come under the influence of private donors. These influence the WHO’s projects, including vaccination campaigns and research into new pathogens. The link between the pharmaceutical industry, food supply and digital identity is also being discussed. And now the WHO is to be given extended powers as part of an international pandemic treaty. This is meeting with resistance and constitutional complaints. KLAUS HARTMANN* scrutinises the role of the WHO under imperialist rule.

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White Flags, Black Flags, Where’s the Flag of Peace?

Christopher Black

I had intended to write about the Canadian government’s embarrassment over the revelation that the two “Michaels,” the two Canadians arrested in China several years ago for espionage, after Canada illegally detained Huawei chief financial officer, Meng Wanzhou in Vancouver on President Trump’s orders, were actually spies after all, despite Canada’s denials which are still maintained.

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